
A modern depiction of Crnko

Crnko („the black-haired one“) was the only giant who did not fight in the war between giants and gods.

He was a son of the giant Vjekoslav and thus a grandson of great goddess Zemlja.

He had several brothers and also uncles and cousins; they were all giants. Crnko himself was born from the semen of his father, who masturbated and ejaculated.

It is written in Veliki rat that all giants except Crnko were „quite stupid“. They went to war against gods after they were visited by goddesses Zavist and Ljubomora and they were defeated.

Gods offered immortality to Crnko, but he refused it and eventually he died, being transformed into the mountain named Medvednica after bears. But before he died, he fathered sons Zvjezdan and Nebesnik and daughter Divka, who was a vila.

Srećko Kovačić

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